Long Covid 3 October 2022 Did your effects of Covid-19 continue for weeks or months? Office for National Statistics (ONS): 3-12% will still have symptoms 12 ...
5 Tips to Ageing Well, Happy, and Healthy 27 June 2022 Ageing is associated with body pains, diseases, as well as decreased vitality. But you don’t have to age that way. There are ways to turn the ageing process into a quest for a better (or stronger) version of yourself. It’s never too late to incor ...
Proven Ways to Reduce Bloating for A Flat Stomach 28 July 2022 Bloating can cause discomfort, frustration and inconvenience. How many times have you had a bloated stomach while attempting to get into a tight-fitting pair of skinny jeans? It's much more aggravating if you have been maintaining a health ...
Premature Ageing: Signs to Look for and How to Treat 28 July 2022 Ageing is something that we all experience but know very little about. We may have an idea of how it occurs, but slowing it down is a challenge. Ageing is some ...
How to Get Rid of Loose Skin after Weight Loss 12 February 2020 Wе’vе bееn аѕkеd recently about loose ѕkin аnd hоw to соntrоl it. Gеtting in ѕhаре is аn аmаzing experience in tеrmѕ of building уоur соnfidеnсе and imрrоving уоur overall hеаlth drаѕtiсаllу. Fоr some, thе асhiеvеmеnt is tаintеd with a rеm ...
Skincare Routine for Acne-Prone Skin 7 January 2020 Beautiful glowing skin is every woman’s dream, but acne-prone skin becomes hard to handle as a result of many reasons, such as sensitive skin, genetic reasons, pollution or reaction from some chemical-based products. However, there ar ...
Selecting the Best Hydrogen Water Purifier: A Comprehensive Guide 12 May 2023 If you're interested in incorporating hydrogen-rich water into your routine, you might be contemplating the purchase of a hydrogen water purifier. With numerous ...
Minerals That Are Simply Bad For Health 15 April 2020 Many people are aware of the need of vitamins and minerals for good health. As minerals are naturally present in food and water, this has led some people to conclude that drinking water is a good source of minerals as it contains a variety of minera ...
Water Hero: Ordinary People, Extraordinary Heroes 24 September 2019 When you hear the word hero, what comes to mind? Someone with a cape and super human strength or the valiant individuals who rushed into the burning World Trade Centre on September 11th? Most people would be more than a little reluctant to declar ...
Can DNA Test Be The Scientific Fortune Teller? 7 April 2022 Did You Experience These? Wondering why some people eat a lot but never gain weight; you’re on a diet but still not losing weight? You spent a lot to eat well ...
Heart Health Genes: Does Heart Disease Run in Your Family? 9 October 2020 All disease is, to some degree, genetic. From cancer to the common cold, almost every human illness known to mankind has something to do with genes. Genes and the switches that control them are made of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), containing in ...
I Have A Weak Immune System 14 October 2020 Is it because of my DNA? It’s a fact of life that all of us do occasionally get sick at some point in our lives. Especially when we don’t take care of ourselves, if we are sleep-deprived, don’t drink enough water, and don’t eat a balanced diet. L ...