Long Covid 3 October 2022 Did your effects of Covid-19 continue for weeks or months? Office for National Statistics (ONS): 3-12% will still have symptoms 12 ...
Growing Healthy Kids 2 September 2020 Childhood years are times of great growth and drastic changes. However, unlike children of past generations, today’s children are burdened as they are expected to excel in school and outside of school with increased tuition and co-curricular activit ...
Keeping Your Heart Healthy 17 May 2021 World Heart Day (29th of September) is a reminder that heart health is important no matter how old you are. Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) can strike both the young and old, and while CVDs are often thought to be a ‘male’ problem, the World Hea ...
Premature Ageing: Signs to Look for and How to Treat 28 July 2022 Ageing is something that we all experience but know very little about. We may have an idea of how it occurs, but slowing it down is a challenge. Ageing is some ...
Beauty Tips: Defining Beauty in More Ways than One 18 May 2021 People often say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder but have you wondered why or what they meant by it? To behold is another way of saying “to see”. Thus, a beholder is a person who sees, observes or gazes upon something o ...
The Correct Order to Apply Skincare Products 7 January 2020 You may already have several skincare products in your routine, but do you know what the correct order is when using them? It is true that several skincare products claim to be great by skin experts and beauty bloggers alike, but we tend t ...
Selecting the Best Hydrogen Water Purifier: A Comprehensive Guide 12 May 2023 If you're interested in incorporating hydrogen-rich water into your routine, you might be contemplating the purchase of a hydrogen water purifier. With numerous ...
Alkaline Water – Bona Fide or Fancy Fad? 29 May 2020 One of the latest fads in town is arguably alkaline water due to its impressive health claims, but how true are all its assertions? Generally, alkaline water is any water with a pH greater than 7. Most alkaline water systems utilise an electrolytic ...
9 Side Effects of Not Drinking Enough of Water 4 June 2021 You’ve probably noticed by now that almost every article on weight loss, health and fitness often talk about drinking more water. We’d hate to sound like a broken record but water is vital for your health. In fact, our bodies are made up of about 60 ...
Can DNA Test Be The Scientific Fortune Teller? 7 April 2022 Did You Experience These? Wondering why some people eat a lot but never gain weight; you’re on a diet but still not losing weight? You spent a lot to eat well ...
Why Is My Stomach Bloated and Painful? 15 October 2020 My stomach is bloated after meals – the most common symptom of gluten intolerance. I have various gastric distress conditions too – from cramping, diarrhoea, constipation, abdominal pain, and acid reflux. I have always felt extremely tired ...
Nutrigenomic: How can Nutrition Affect Your Health? 23 May 2020 On the face of this, it seems like a fairly obvious answer and one that you think the majority of people would know. The worrying fact is that many people are still not fully aware as to what they are actually eating. Which could be the reason wh ...