man at the big table with food

Always Hungry? These Could Be the Reasons Why

So, you’re continually feeling hungry even though you are eating a healthy amount throughout the day.

Well there could be a few reasons as to why, such as the types of food you are eating to how much sleep you are getting each night.

We also need to remember that our emotions be it happy, sad, angry, or excited all stem from our hormones which, again, can be affected exogenously (externally) or endogenously (internally).

But do our hormones affect how hungry we are, or possibly how much of an appetite we might have? Well, the short answer is yes. Firstly, we have leptin, which is your body’s satiety hormone (feeling full).

An interesting study at Stanford University discovered that just one night of sleep deprivation and poor sleep quality leads to quite a server suppression of your leptin levels.

This is one of the reasons that you will eat everything insight following a late night, as your “Feeling full” hormone isn’t working correctly.

Then we have ghrelin, which is your body’s “hunger hormone”.

Another interesting study showed that just one night of poor quality of sleep lead to a 20% increase in ghrelin levels.

So again, this may be one reason as to why your appetite is going through the roof following a late night, or continually going to bed late. Improving your sleep looks like a good place to start if you are continually feeling hungry throughout the day, or if you just never seem to feel full after a meal.

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