Long Covid 3 October 2022 Did your effects of Covid-19 continue for weeks or months? Office for National Statistics (ONS): 3-12% will still have symptoms 12 ...
Show Me the Science – How to Wash and Dry Your Hands 27 April 2020 As the cases of coronavirus continue to climb within the country, people are on high alert looking for ways to protect themselves and avoid germs. One reliable method is, of course, washing your hands. In fact, washing your hands regularly with soap ...
11 Ways to Boost Your Immunity Today! 17 April 2020 Why are some people better at fighting infection than others? It’s largely due to our genes. Some of us inherit a set of immune system genes that are better at dealing with viruses. If you don’t have strong genes, there are ways to strengthen your i ...
Premature Ageing: Signs to Look for and How to Treat 28 July 2022 Ageing is something that we all experience but know very little about. We may have an idea of how it occurs, but slowing it down is a challenge. Ageing is some ...
Bar Soaps vs. Body Wash: Which is Better? 6 February 2020 At some point in our mundane lives, we have often wondered: Are bar soaps better than body wash? Let us unravel the mysteries of time and save you the trouble of contemplation with this blog. We get it, you did not come here to make a ...
What You Really Must Do to Keep the Weight Off 30 March 2020 If you’ve been dеѕреrаtеlу trying to squeeze into thоѕе ѕkinnу jeans thаt аrе tаunting уоu frоm thе bасk оf your closet, fеаr not. Thiѕ will be thе year that you finаllу ziр thе flу and fееl good аbоut thе wау уоu lооk. Losing wеight саn b ...
Selecting the Best Hydrogen Water Purifier: A Comprehensive Guide 12 May 2023 If you're interested in incorporating hydrogen-rich water into your routine, you might be contemplating the purchase of a hydrogen water purifier. With numerous ...
3 Ways You can Help to Keep Our Rivers Clean 19 September 2019 There has been a widespread spotlight on river pollution of late, with the latest incident of epic proportions in Sungai Kim Kim River, Johor. Our local rivers are suffering as a result of the many types of waste that are being dumped into our water ...
Water Purification: Is Your Tap Water Safe to Drink? 16 June 2020 Lead is a naturally occurring element found in small amounts in the earth’s crust. While it has its benefits to mankind as it is used in a variety of products such as batteries, ceramics, pipes and plumbing materials, solders, gasoline, and paint, i ...
Can DNA Test Be The Scientific Fortune Teller? 7 April 2022 Did You Experience These? Wondering why some people eat a lot but never gain weight; you’re on a diet but still not losing weight? You spent a lot to eat well ...
Is Intelligence Inherited? 14 October 2020 The Relationship Between Genes and Academic Achievements “Pay attention and focus” or “Just a few more pages, then you can take a break.” Many parents can probably relate to cajoling their young children to sit down and focus on school work ...
Heart Health Genes: Does Heart Disease Run in Your Family? 9 October 2020 All disease is, to some degree, genetic. From cancer to the common cold, almost every human illness known to mankind has something to do with genes. Genes and the switches that control them are made of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), containing in ...
Long Covid 3 October 2022 by rika Did your effects of Covid-19 continue for weeks or months? Office for National Statistics (ONS): 3-12% will still have symptoms 12 weeks after their initial infection.1 Nutrients Can Help! ArginineEndothelial dysfunc ...