Bananas for Constipation

Bananas for Constipation?

Constipation is a common health problem characterised by irregular bowel movements and hard stools that are difficult to pass. Constipation is often caused by a few factors, ranging from a poor diet to a lack of exercise. So, can you fix it?

Actually, you can – with bananas! Although some people may claim that bananas cause constipation, there are those who swear by these long yellow fruit that can help prevent it.

Bananas are high in fibre

This humble fruit is also lauded for its taste and numerous health benefits, including being chock-full of fibre. Fibre has long been claimed to help prevent and relieve constipation. According to the book, Healing Foods by DK Publishing, bananas are rich in potassium which is essential for maintaining blood pressure, and are natural antacids which makes them a soothing and healing choice for an upset stomach.

However, while it may be the ideal fruit for many, it has become embroiled in a debate on constipation. Some people believe bananas cause constipation, while others prefer to see it as a saviour for their tummy troubles. Still, here’s what we found out.

Are bananas the cure for constipation?

The answer of whether bananas help with your bowel movements or block your digestive pathways lies in their colour, or stages of ripeness.

Green bananas

Green bananas are unripe, slightly bitter fruits. They’re harder in texture and have a higher starch content – known as resistant starch and pectin. Both pectin and resistant starch have similar functions to soluble fibre and are also known to have a prebiotic effect, feeding your good bacteria.

Green bananas may be good for your overall gut health and creating a healthy gut microbiome. However, the resistant starches will be harder to digest and may contribute to constipation.

Yellow bananas

Yellow bananas lose their starch content as they begin to ripen. The starch doesn’t disappear; rather, it converts into simple sugars which increases both the glycaemic index and the sweetness of the banana. As the resistant starches break down, the banana becomes easier to digest.

Yellow bananas are also relatively higher in soluble and insoluble fibre content which helps to promote regularity. Because of their reduced starch content, yellow bananas are more likely to aid in digestion.

Brown bananas

Like the yellow bananas, the brown ones will continue losing their resistant starch content over time. However, as they’re higher in both sugars and carbohydrates, they can have inflammatory effects on some people. Those who aren’t affected by brown bananas can benefit from them in terms of their digestion.

Brown bananas are a good choice for smoothies or baking banana bread as most of their starch content has been converted to sugars. They are easy to digest as well which may help ease digestion.

Not a fan of bananas?

Bananas have its own nutritional values at each stage of ripeness, but the benefits differ along the way. If you’re not a fan of bananas, you can do your digestive detox with Elken Laktoze. Improve your nutrient digestion and absorption with Elken Laktoze, a complete solution that maintains intestinal health by balancing good and bad bacteria in the gut with soy powder metabolites.

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