Follow These Healthy Habits for a Healthier Life

Follow These Healthy Habits for a Healthier Life

Being healthy isn’t a trend; it’s a lifestyle. A healthy lifestyle makes you feel more energetic and reduces your risk of sickness, disease and obesity. Balanced nutrition, daily exercise, adequate sleep, and learning how to manage your stress in positive ways are keys to living a long and healthy life.

Manage your stress

Experts believe that a stressful workplace can be detrimental to your health and shorten your life expectancy. That’s why managing your stress in positive and relaxing ways (instead of smoking or drinking) such as meditation, tai ci, massage, or doing leisurely activities is important.

Eat well

Eat a varied diet of fresh, quality whole foods to ensure you get balanced nutrition and limit your portion sizes to control your weight.

Hydrate often

Drinking water first thing in the morning helps to cleanse your digestive system and prepare it for the day. Water also helps boost your metabolism, detox, and suppress your appetite.

Get quality sleep

Deep sleep improves your physical and mental health while REM sleep is crucial for memory formation. Wind down an hour before going to bed with a book or a warm bath to help your brain switch off. Use blackout curtains in your bedroom as darkness stimulates production of melatonin (sleep hormones).

Stay active

The benefits of exercise include improving your muscle mass, bone strength, balance, mental health, and mood. And you don’t even have to hit the gym to see a payoff. Simply walking around the neighbourhood or climbing the stairs in your office will do you good.

Move more

Sitting around may cause you to get fatter. So turn off your TV, computer and iPad and find a hobby that can boost the quality of your life like cycling, hiking, photography, painting, journaling, baking, etc.

Detox regularly

Additives, pesticides, medication, pollution, chemicals, and alcohol can mess with your body’s ability to balance blood sugar and metabolise cholesterol. Detox regularly to flush out toxins from your system, lose weight, and enjoy a better quality of life.

Curb emotional eating

Are you really hungry, or just bored, unhappy, or stressed? Negative feelings can trigger unhealthy cravings, so before you eat, ask yourself what’s bothering you and find alternative ways to control emotional eating.

Good Nutrition for Great Health

Fill the gap between what you’re eating and what your body needs to achieve your ideal weight, and safeguard yourself from sickness & disease.

Balanced Nutrition

Eating a healthy, balanced diet involves consuming a wide variety of foods in the right proportion to maintain a healthy body weight. To achieve this, you’ll need to eat 5-9 servings of fruits and veggies, carbohydrates like bread or rice, dairy products such as milk and cheese, pulses for fibre, protein including fish, eggs, meat, and healthy fats and oils every day.

Unlike most diets which can’t provide all the essential nutrients that your body needs to stay energetic, strong, and healthy, Elken Spirulina is one of the world’s richest and most complete sources of nutrition because:

  • It has a high concentration of over 60 nutrients – protein, vitamins, minerals, carbohydrate, fatty acids, and phytonutrients for the promotion and maintenance of good health and vitality.
  • It helps to unlock sugar from the cells to give our bodies a boost of long-lasting energy.
  • It assists in weight loss as it is a nutrient-dense, protein-rich food that helps to reduce hunger pangs, maintain muscle mass, and rev up our metabolism.
  • It is highly digestible and easily assimilated by the body.
  • It contains no fat, cholesterol, or excess calories.

Enzyme Essentials

Without adequate enzymes, our body will suffer from sluggish digestion, low metabolism, and weight gain. Enzymes are necessary to digest nutrients in our food, and to build and repair the body’s cells, bones, tissues, and organs

A completed cycle of fermentation for 1,200 days provides Elken Xeniji with the co-enzymes, co-factors and other micronutrients to increase the efficacy of digestive enzymes found in our bodies. This ensures the nutrients in our food are effectively and completely digested, absorbed, and metabolised.

This enzyme catalyst also helps to improve metabolism, burn calories more effectively and stimulate the enzymatic activities in our body. A study shows that it can inhibit the absorption of blood sugar into the body by as much as 80%, thus helping to prevent insulin resistance and diabetes.

Regular Detoxification

Weight gain can be caused by the digestive system’s inability to break down food properly, resulting in undigested food in the colon. Some signs of poor digestion include bloating, flatulence, belching, diarrhoea, constipation and rectal itching. A long-term build-up of undigested food in the colon and toxic waste can lead to weight gain.

Regular colon cleansing can remove waste in the intestinal system to ensure that our digestive system operates at its optimum. Containing 100% natural ingredients, Elken Laktoze produces carbon dioxide in the intestines to expand the intestinal wall and stimulate bowel movement to expel toxins and dislodge stubborn waste and stools in the colon.

Elken Laktoze also contains Galacto-oligosaccharides (GOS) to stimulate the proliferation of beneficial bacteria and inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria so as to improve intestinal nutrient absorption and soften hardened stools for easy removal. This improves your detoxification functions and encourages weight loss.

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