Long Covid 3 October 2022 Did your effects of Covid-19 continue for weeks or months? Office for National Statistics (ONS): 3-12% will still have symptoms 12 ...
Simple Strategies to Boost Your Body’s Natural Defences 28 July 2022 You've undoubtedly learnt the significance of keeping your immune system healthy since living through the epidemic. Every day, the immune system fights against infections, therefore keeping it in top shape is essential, not just for yourself but als ...
Womb Care: Prep Your Marital Journey by Staying Healthy 28 August 2020 You’ve made all the preparations for your wedding but what about marriage and family life? The highs of courtship and marriage will soon fade once the excitement settles. Apart from adjusting to and living with each other’s quirks, the constant stre ...
Premature Ageing: Signs to Look for and How to Treat 28 July 2022 Ageing is something that we all experience but know very little about. We may have an idea of how it occurs, but slowing it down is a challenge. Ageing is some ...
Weight Loss Side Effects – The Unexpected Positives You See After Losing Weight 30 March 2020 Pеорlе have mаnу different rеаѕоnѕ fоr wаnting to bеgin a weight loss рrоgrаm. Althоugh lоѕing weight iѕ nоt аlwауѕ easy, thеrе are ѕеvеrаl bеnеfitѕ whiсh саn rеѕult frоm healthy weight management. Yоu will аlwауѕ hear of ѕu ...
Anti-Ageing Skincare and Causes of Premature Ageing 13 February 2020 Growing older is a natural part of life. We expect to get some wrinkles and maybe some age spots but sometimes it can happen a lot sooner than we had imagined. There are several different factors that can cause premature ageing, some we ca ...
Selecting the Best Hydrogen Water Purifier: A Comprehensive Guide 12 May 2023 If you're interested in incorporating hydrogen-rich water into your routine, you might be contemplating the purchase of a hydrogen water purifier. With numerous ...
Water Hero: Ordinary People, Extraordinary Heroes 24 September 2019 When you hear the word hero, what comes to mind? Someone with a cape and super human strength or the valiant individuals who rushed into the burning World Trade Centre on September 11th? Most people would be more than a little reluctant to declar ...
Would You Like Some Mineral Water? 25 March 2021 Water is the heart (and soul) of all living creatures on Earth. Humans can survive for quite some time without solid food but not for nearly as long without water. The same goes for animals and plants. So why is good, clean water so hard to find? ...
Can DNA Test Be The Scientific Fortune Teller? 7 April 2022 Did You Experience These? Wondering why some people eat a lot but never gain weight; you’re on a diet but still not losing weight? You spent a lot to eat well ...
Genetic: High blood pressure – WHY ME? 12 October 2020 People diagnosed with hypertension are often baffled, and many ask, “Why me?” Symptoms make a diagnosis more real. But unlike many other illnesses, hypertension rarely causes symptoms. In fact, it is ominously called the “silent killer.” Some people ...
What is Eye Health? 26 May 2020 The eye is obviously extremely complex, and as with all biological processes, our eyes will be affected as we age. But there will also be a variety of other areas - such as diet, exercise, stress, pollution as well as a strong genetic component - th ...
Long Covid 3 October 2022 Healthy Living Did your effects of Covid-19 continue for weeks or months? Office for National Statistics (ONS): 3-12% will still have symptoms 12 weeks after their initial infection.1 Nutrients Can Help! ArginineEndothelial dysfunction has been involved in symptoms of Long-COVID.2 Arginine supplementation could be beneficial in controlling long-COVID-19 by reducing chronic inflammation and improve endothelial dysfunction.3,4 CurcuminThe anti-inflammatory effects of curcumin have been believed to serve as an adjuvant drug in COVID-19 treatment.5 Vitamin CVitamin C helps in modulation of the immune system. Research shows that taking 200 mg/day or more vitamin C supplements on a regular basis helps reduce the duration and the severity of its symptoms.6 Ormega-3 Fatty AcidsUse of omega-3 supplements was associated with a 12% lower risk of Covid-19 infection.7 Researchers believe that omega-3 might benefit patients with COVID-19 with the potential anti-inflammatory and immune-stimulating effects.8 Sources: Office for National Statistics. 16 Sep 2021. S.A. Azizi et al. J. Neurovirol. 26 (2020) 631–641. Yan, Z.; Yang, M.; Lai, C.L. Biomedicines 2021, 9, 966. Adebayo et al. L-arginine and covid-19: An update. 2021. Babaei et al.,2020. Holford P et al. Nutrients 2020;12. Louca P et al. BMJ Nutr Prev Health 2021. Lordan R et al. ArXiv 2021. Previous Post The Powerful Omega-3 Fatty Acids Next Post A Comprehensive Guide to Hydrogen Water Bottles, Hydrogen Water Generators, and Hydrogen Water Purifiers: Determining the Best Option for You