Prep Your Marital Journey by Staying Healthy

Womb Care: Prep Your Marital Journey by Staying Healthy

You’ve made all the preparations for your wedding but what about marriage and family life? The highs of courtship and marriage will soon fade once the excitement settles. Apart from adjusting to and living with each other’s quirks, the constant stress of daily living, especially in these modern times, may strain a new marriage.

Wise couples start their lifetime journeys together by attending premarital counselling and ironing out important issues before the wedding, such as finances, careers, time spent together, time spent with friends, household chores, religious beliefs, and when to start a family, among others. Here are some of the common issues.


It’s best to establish a financial understanding before the wedding, such as whether you wish to set up joint bank accounts, share bills, save up to buy a home and how much money to give to your respective parents. Drawing up a monthly budget based on your household income will help to set the right expectations.

Physical Intimacy

Long hours at work, chores and family obligations or even physical issues such as low libido and PMS can douse the flame of passion. Solutions include setting aside time to unwind together, budgeting for romantic dinners and taking supplementation to regulate your hormones and enhance your marital intimacy.

House Chores

It’s important to divide the house chores as most couples nowadays are opting for dual-income to meet the rising cost of living. Listing out your preferred chores and lovingly dividing the rest helps to eliminate potential arguments and resentment in the future.


Maintaining a new household is not easy and couples may struggle to find time together. Schedule time to be alone together at least twice a week. Discuss and decide how much time you want to spend with your buddies, shopping with friends, or time spent with your parents and/or in-laws.

Starting a Family

Discuss with your partner on starting a family, when, and how many children you both want to have. Couples who wish to start a family early or who are in their 40s and above may want to consider oriental herb supplements to regulate their hormones, increase their vitality and libido as well as the chances of conception.

Ancient Herbs for Feminine Health

Start a marriage with strong bodies brimming with vitality and energy, ready to tackle the rigours and pleasures of wedded life without issues such as severe PMS, mood swings and low libido.

One way to overcome feminine issues is via medication. However, most Western medications work to suppress symptoms or stimulate certain parts of the body (such as painkillers and hormonal pills for PMS) and may have severe side effects.

A better option would be Chinese herbs. Since ancient times, the Chinese have used herbs to nourish the body, strengthen the ‘chi’ energy and balance the entire body system for optimal health. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) offers a more natural and holistic approach as it recognises the interconnection between the kidneys, liver, endocrine and reproductive systems.

Nourishing these systems with a synergistic combination of oriental herbs has been proven to help improve overall health and vitality while alleviating specific physiological symptoms or discomforts. This helps to address many masculine and feminine health issues, resulting in a healthier and happier marriage.

LD Venus Gold is formulated using a time-tested herbal formulation with top grade Chinese herbs like Dang Gui, Dang Shen, Dan Shen, Bai Jiang Cao, Yi Mu Cao and Huang Qi to improve female physiological problems by helping to regulate menses, reduce PMS, enrich blood, nourish the reproductive system and assist in recovery after childbirth.

Conveniently bottled in miniature vials for consumption, LD Venus Gold does not require long hours of preparation. It is also certified halal and does not contain hormones, chemicals, alcohol, steroids, erectogenic agents or artificial ingredients.

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