The Presence of Antibodies and a Strong Immunity

The Presence of Antibodies and a Strong Immunity

Previously SARS, H1N1, HFMD, THEN H7N9, AND NOW COVID-19.

What’s next?

New germs and viruses keep popping up every so often and the threat of diseases never seem to end. But wait! How do some people stay healthy and sickness-free while others topple over at the slightest sniffle? The presence of antibodies could be an solution to the answer in our immune system. 

People with a weak immunity often depend on medicines and antibiotics, while those with a strong immune system can simply fight off harmful pathogens.

That’s why boosting our immune system is a smart way to keeping sickness at bay. One way is to consume a healthy diet, get regular exercise and avoid or minimise stress. Another way is to take natural immune-boosting supplements such as colostrum and Vitamin C.

Colostrum Charge

Colostrum is the first secretion by mothers during the initial period of post-delivery before it converts into milk. It’s one of the few natural foods that contain Immune Factors (IF) and Growth Factors (GF). IF are proteins that support the immune system while GF help to heal and regenerate the cells.

Immune Factors for Neutralising Bacteria

Scientists have found bovine colostrum, with its incredibly rich combination of IF, to be one of the most powerful immune-boosting foods available. It is also the most compatible to human colostrum.

According to Annals of the New York Academy of Science, the immunoglobulins in bovine colostrum can neutralise the most harmful bacteria, viruses and yeast.

Other researchers have discovered that the IF in bovine colostrum can kill bacteria and viruses, balance the immune system, control inflammation and hinder the development of illness and disorders.

Growth Factors for Cell Reproduction

The GF in bovine colostrum are also vitally unique in encouraging cells to reproduce. According to the University of Arizona, the GF in bovine colostrum has quick, strong healing and growth properties, which means there is less scarring and faster tissue repair.

Why ELG6 Colostrum is Superior

Compared with normal colostrum, ELG6 colostrum is collected during the first milking upon the birth of the calf and therefore is more potent:

  • Contains up to 30% immunoglobulins as well as a host of IF and GF.
  • Pure and not denatured which contains permeability factors like a trypsin inhibitor and a protease inhibitor that prevent digestive enzymes and acids from breaking down colostrum’s active proteins, resulting in potent colostrum with the highest beneficial factors.
  • Has no added chemicals.
  • Collected from Grade-A cattle which have been fed contaminant-free water as well as chemical-free and nutritionally-balanced food.

Your Body’s Bacteris and Virus Busters

As we all know, vitamin C or ascorbic acid, is a water-soluble vitamin known for its role in supporting a healthy immune system. In fact, a lack of vitamin C can even make you more prone to getting sick. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that can strengthen your body’s natural defences. Unlike Vitamin C, ESTER-C 500 PLUS is four times more potent and can easily be absorbed and assimilated by the body. It has no added sugar, artificial colouring & flavouring and helps to provide 24-hour immunity protection.

Withstand the attacks of pathogens and viruses. Shield your body with a protective layer fortified by ELG6 Colostrum & Ester C 500 Plus today!

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