Boost Your Brain Health with Spirulina

Boost Your Brain Health with Spirulina

The eating habits that we develop in our youth tend to stay with us until our old age. Therefore, it is important to establish good nutrition habits during childhood or the teenage years, as it will impact their health in the long run.

A Healthy, Balanced Diet for Growing Youths

Like mental growth, our physical growth is dependent on consuming a variety of foods that meet our daily nutrient needs. According to research conducted by the American Heart Association, eating more fruits and vegetables as a young adult may keep your arteries free of heart disease 20 years later.

But youths don’t always make the best food choices and are easily tempted by junk food and the latest food trends. These picky eaters tend to neglect eating the recommended 5-9 servings of fruits and vegetables daily which are high in fibre and key nutrients for a healthy, balanced diet. Youths also tend to worry about their self-image which results in poor eating habits. If your youth isn’t eating properly, check whether their unhealthy relationship with food could be linked to an eating disorder.

Harness Your Brain’s Full Potential

The brain uses more energy than any other human organ. Up to 20% of the blood flowing to the heart is pumped to the brain. The brain also requires a nourishing diet to keep it working efficiently.

If youths don’t eat enough to meet their nutritional needs, complement their diet with dietary supplements to help improve their mental power and prevent mental fatigue.

Brain Food

Amino Acids

Produces neurotransmitters in the brain which affects our mood and induces sleep

Vitamins and Minerals

Converts carbohydrates into glucose and amino acids into neurotransmitters


Fights free radical damage in the brain while boosting the immune system

Essential Fatty Acids

Promotes cell regeneration to increase alertness and improve memory retention

Recognising eating disorders in youths

The 3 most common eating disorders are anorexia, bulimia, and binge eating. Young women, particularly between the ages of 15 to 25, are most affected by eating disorders. Men make up only 10% of people affected by eating disorders.

Symptoms of eating disorders

  • An obsession with weight
  • Avoids eating food for fear of putting on weight
  • Feels anxious, upset or guilty when eating
  • Uses laxatives or vomits to lose weight

Overcoming eating disorders

  • Be a good role model by eating a balanced diet
  • Shop for meals together so you can both agree on what to eat
  • Avoid talking about their appearance. Instead, focus on building their confidence in other ways like talking about their achievements
  • Avoid eating or storing low calorie or diet foods in the house
  • Make meal time fun and avoid talking about stressful subjects like exams
  • Use dietary supplements to provide your youth with nutrients that are lacking in their diet

Elken Spirulina is a potent brain food that contains over 60 key nutrients from the 5 major food groups to enhance concentration, memory retention, and alertness. It also contains nucleic acid to assist brain tissue production.

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