Ultra Awesome Facials

Beauty Tips: Find the New ‘You’ via These Ultra Awesome Facials

Facial treatments work best when you know what you want and need. It is important to know this. After all, you don’t want to give your skin any treatment that might be bad for it. Find out whether you need a skin detox, hydration, reduction of wrinkles or anything along these lines. Once you know this, you can decide properly which anti-ageing facial treatment works best for you.

Micro-Current Facial

This facial is perfect for those with acne spots and want to remove age spots and scars. This treatment uses a series of facial techniques to exfoliate, hydrate and repair your skin.

Chemical Peels

If you want a facial treatment that will help to reverse the ageing of your skin, then a chemical peel treatment may be what you‘re looking for. This type of treatment evens out the different tones of your skin the temperature and rebuilds the elastin in your skin. This facial is actually recommended by renowned dermatologists for those who need help with natural anti-aging.

Galvanic Facial

If you are looking for a way to redefine and tone your skin then the Galvanic Facial treatment is perfect for you. This technique uses a series of Galvanic currents that stimulate your facial muscles to tone your skin, redefine your facial muscles, increase collagen and reduce the amount of wrinkles on your face. You could even call it a non-surgical facelift.


This facial treatment is a favourite among those who have fine lines on their faces, uneven pigmentation or clogged pores. Microdermabrasion is a non-invasive procedure that uses tiny crystals to exfoliate and remove the superficial layer of dry, dead cells from your skin. In other words, it would feel like a machine that is polishing and buffing out your skin. This facial treatment is perfect for anyone who wants healthy, plump and glowing skin.

There are other facial treatments that are essential for skin revival, deep purifying, skin detox and firming. These treatments may be seen as a luxury reserved for special occasions, yet they all have one common goal – playing an vital role in our regular skincare routine. After all, ageing is a part of life. Elsyle Spa is where you can go to for these facial treatments. At Elsyle Spa, you have a choice of three types of treatment; the Essential Facial, the Intensive Facial and the Professional Facial with Machine. Learn what each treatment can do for you to decide which one will be the best fit for you in ensuring that your skin health remains at its optimum best.

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